Meet the Mom Blogger Deepika Dixit, who’s acing the Influencing Game in right direction. Here are her thoughts on, Why an Educated Mother?

The great Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Give me an educated mother I shall promise you the birth of a civilized and educated nation” No doubt that a mother, whether literate or not is the first teacher of her kid(s) and always do her best in upbringing and uplifting them. But it can’t be denied that an educated mother brings up her children with better education and ethical values. Well aware mothers give birth to children who’ll be more exposed and eventually make good citizens, or, broadly speaking, a good nation. The Foundation for Child Development report Mother’s Education and Children’s Outcomes presents economic, health and other hard statistics that clearly demonstrate how children benefit from a higher level of mother’s education.
Being a mother of a Gen Alpha kid, I still hear a murmuring of how education isn’t important for those who are stay at home or taking care of their families and the extended one. They don’t understand that this happiness merely justifies their ego and is temporary. They’ve to understand and believe for the long run, education is the only key. The more education, the merrier it gets for the coming generations.
So here’re my reasons for- Why an Educated Mother?
An educated mother is more likely to have awareness and knowledge about health and would ensure that her children get good diet, knows importance of timely vaccination and help in developing a strong and healthy adults. If your mother has a college degree, she will not only educate you but also prepare you for your college days. Infact, she will also understands your every situation there. Also, a well aware mother knows the real world is beyond competition and comparisons. Hence, she nurtures her child with confidence and quality education. A mother’s education level impacts the way she interacts with her child. In early childhood this interaction can affect vocabulary and language skills. She is more likely to know the importance of extra curricular activities, going to museums, travel, exploring the world, fine arts, music, sports. She won’t take it as a leisure but a necessity for your life. Because she knows well, how it’ll help you to understand life and make you a better decision-maker.
There’s never a last day to start learning, if not before, you can start today. I’ll again say, Education is the Key and it can’t be taken for granted at any cost. So, start educating yourself Says Deepika Dixit, a well-known Mom Blogger who runs her page in the name of Motherstories_by_Deepika.friend of your children, along being their mother. They need you the most and you’ve to be prepared for it. You’re the one, who’s going to enhance your child’s participation and opportunities in different spheres of life.
Happy Mother’s Day!!